This would be a great holiday
There are some things in life that I hope to only do one time.
Get tonsils removed, go to high school, have braces, and.... do laundry.
When I was in college and the task of keeping my clothes decently wearable fell upon me I would stretch out time between cleaning as long as possible. Practicing the old "sniff" test to verify that I indeed had a few more days to go. And honestly it wasn't even that hard to do then. I barely cared if it was wrinkled and we had a washer and dryer in the house I shared with my friends. After the dryer would ding I could just throw it in a basket and grab clothes straight from there without even needing to put them away in "drawers".
Getting married and then having kids really changes a mans perspective on what constitutes "clean" clothes. It's one thing to look like a slob as a 19 year old college student, but you can't send your children off to school with stains on their shirts. And your wife won't go out with you in an embarassingly wrinkly smelly ensemble.
And here is the terrible thing about laundry with a family. It is NEVER FINISHED!!!!
As fast as I get it done there is still a pile of it ready to be started. The washer and dryer could be on literally 24 hours a day and I don't think that it would be overkill.
Whether it is an overwhelming task, or a simple part of the day, has been directly the result of my chosen consistency with it. The amount of work laundry for 6 people takes is always going to be exactly what it is. The way it impacts and controls me has nothing to do with the amount of it, but my approach.
If every day I take steps to keep it moving, it almost becomes a task that takes no thinking or effort. There is no "all day" laundry day that everything else has to be put on hold to deal with. When I put it off until "I have the time", the time that it piles up to needing to confiscate from my life is overwhelming.
Laundry is not a sprint. It is a marathon. It requires a constant moving forward. Not in a furious cacophony of limbs swinging wildly, but a deliberate daily discipline of one step in front of the other knowing that it will not be a task that is over anytime soon.
All of our life. Or, at least the things that matter. Are like that. We are so good at putting off that which we should be doing. To save it for "some day". When there is "enough time". When that other stuff is "taken care of". And drip by steady and reliable drip it piles up the little issues until we are overwhelmed and consumed by a mountain.
The Apostle Paul gets right to the root of our problem as he addresses our spiritual malaise,
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.- 1 Cor 9:24-27
We run our lives so aimlessly so often. Then we are surprised when our relationship with God feels so distant and bleh. All week long we put off who God is calling us to be, to do those simple steps with the hopes that we can save it all up for a marathon spiritual connection on Sunday mornings.
And we get farther and farther behind.
Are you living your life like you are after a prize. No, there is no trophy for a caught up laundry room. But a person who disciplines themselves to run hard after God every single day will not regret it. But we will always regret letting it slip and fall farther and farther behind.
This plays into all areas of our life. Think about the many important things that God has given you responsibility for. How many of them have you avoided the daily work of working towards the goal that is set before you. Instead we avoid and deflect always telling ourselves that later we can do that work when we are really ready for it. And far too often there is never a later.
Stop running FROM what God has for you and start running TOWARDS God. One day your race will come to an end. Don't be found never having even started.
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